
Props and State in React – differences and use cases

React is a great tool for building user interfaces. State is the main feature that makes it interactive. Without state, all web apps built in React would be static. Most people use React because it’s interactive and can respond to user’s actions. Yes, you can do a lot of things using plain JavaScript, but you can improve upon that with React. State and virtual DOM concepts are not exclusive to React, but they are integral…

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Advantages of functional components (and hooks) over class components in React

Functional components have a number of advantages over class components. Perhaps the biggest advantage is simplicity. Functional components are just functions that return JSX code. Syntax is much easier than it is with class components. With functional components, you don’t need to use the confusing this property. You might think that you know how to use this, but class components add a whole different level of complexity. It’s difficult for others to understand your code…

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Most important features of React

In my opinion, React is the best thing that ever happened to front-end development. It simplifies the process of designing and building user interfaces. You can create large interactive web applications step by step. React allows you to design individual blocks for web application. Changes to the internal state will automatically be reflected on the screen. User doesn’t have to reload the page. Interactive web application automatically displays changes on the screen. Let’s go through…

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Necessary skills to work remotely as a web developer

These days, it seems like working remotely is the dream for a lot of people. Sometimes you’ll come across blog or vlog of couple who work for US companies, but instead of freezing in winter, they spend their time on tropical islands. Like you, I have always wondered if this was a real possibility, and if it could be me one day. The short answer is yes, as long as you have a certain set…

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